Atleti in arrivo da tre continenti. Vertical con arrivo sul Monte Moro
A pochi giorni dalle finali di Coppa del Mondo di sci alpinismo ISMF “Mondolè Ski Alp”, fervono i preparativi nelle stazioni sciistiche di Prato Nevoso, Frabosa e Artesina che, per il secondo anno consecutivo, ospitano l'evento clou del circuito.
A ventiquattr'ore dalla chiusura delle iscrizioni, sono già tre i continenti che verranno rappresentati sulle vette del Comprensorio Mondolè Ski: dall'Asia confermata la presenza della nazionale cinese; dall'America in arrivo la delegazione statunitense; innumerevoli le nazioni europee al via delle manifestazioni (Andorra, Austria, Belgio, Francia, Germania, Italia, Spagna, Svizzera) per un totale di oltre cento atleti che soggiorneranno nelle strutture ricettive delle valli Maudagna ed Ellero.
La 'tre giorni” di Coppa del Mondo, prenderà il via venerdì 18 marzo 2016 con la gara Vertical, partenza alle ore 10,30 da Frabosa 'nuova', caratterizzata dall'arrivo sul Monte Moro. Tale traguardo rappresenta non solo una novità rispetto al percorso 2015 ma anche una suggestiva proposta per gli spettatori che potranno raggiungere l'arrivo grazie alla storica seggiovia monoposto del Monte Moro: inaugurata nel 1956, rappresenta una vera e propria 'chicca' nella storia dello sci, una delle poche rimaste in Italia. Oltre alla seggiovia, l'area del traguardo sarà resa accessibile ai mezzi tecnici ed ai pedoni grazie allo sgombero neve sulla strada di accesso alla “Baita delle stelle”.
Nella giornata di sabato 19, appuntamento alle ore 9,00 presso la Conca di Prato Nevoso con le partenze delle gare individual World Cup ed Open. Gli scialpinisti di tutte le categorie appartenenti alla FISI o di altra federazione estera, si confronteranno con i migliori atleti al mondo sul medesimo tracciato, dando vita alla 64a edizione della Tre Rifugi (partenza e arrivo a Prato Nevoso e passaggi sul Monte Mondolè e nei fuoripista di Artesina). Per la gara Open iscrizioni aperte sino alle ore 20,00 di giovedì 17 marzo.
Domenica 20 marzo, chiusura di manifestazione con la gara Sprint in scena nella spettacolare Conca di Prato Nevoso. Tre appuntamenti di puro spettacolo agonistico immersi in un contesto facilmente accessibile grazie alla vicinanza dei percorsi agli impianti di risalita del Comprensorio Mondolè Ski.
A few days from the
ISMF Ski Mountaineering World Cup “Mondolè Ski Alp” final, the preparations at
the ski complex of Prato Nevoso, Frabosa and Artesina are in full swing;
indeed, for the second year in a row the resort will host the most important
event of the whole World Cup.
Twenty-four hours after the end of the registration period, the continents that will be represented on the summits of the Mondolè Ski complex are as many as three: the presence of the Chinese national team will representAsia , while the US delegation will represent the Americas . As customary, the European delegation will be in high numbers, with Andorra , Austria ,
Belgium , France ,
Germany , Italy ,
Spain and Switzerland
for a total of over 100 athletes who will be lodged in the reception facilities
of Val Maudagna and Val Ellero. The three-day World Cup event will start on Friday, 18 March 2016 with the Vertical Race, setting off at 10.30am from the new part of Frabosa and finishing on Monte Moro. The finish
line is not only a new addition as compared with the 2015 edition, but also a
“treat” for the fans who will reach the finish line while enjoying the stunning
view of the Monte Oro one-seater chairlift: opened in 1996, this line is a true
one-of-a-kind in the history of skiing resorts and one one of the last still
operating in Italy.
Besides the chairlift, the finish line area will be opened to technical vehicles and pedestrians after clearing the snow from the road leading to the “Baita delle Stelle” mountain lodge.
On Saturday 19 at9.00am the rendezvous is at Conca di Prato Nevoso for the individual World Cup
and Open races. Ski mountaineers of all categories, members of the FISI or any
other foreign federation, will compete with the best athletes in the world on
the same track, staging the 64th edition of the Tre Rifugi (start at
Prato Nevoso and passages on Monte Mondolè and off-piste at Artesina). For the
Open race the registration will be open until 8.00pm of Thursday 17 March.
On Sunday 20 March the even will close with the Sprint race taking place against the breath-taking backdrop of Conca di Prato Nevoso. Three pure-adrenaline events in an easily accessible setting – indeed the track is located close to the ski-lift facilities of the Mondolè Ski complex.
As regards the speciality World Cup titles, Kilian Jornet Burgada (Spain ) is at the head of the Individual Race and Vertical Race tables; in the
Individual Race table Michele Boscacci and Anton Palzer are the closest
contenders. Kilian Jornet Burgada leads with 380 points while the two
runner-ups are have 320 and 240 points, respectively. As regards the Vertical
Race the Spaniard has 200 points, 40 more than Rémi Bonnet (160 points) and 95
ahead of Anton Palzer (105 points).
As far as the Sprint Race goes, the leader is the Italian specialist Robert Antonioli with 280 points; behind him are Anton Palzer and Iwan Arnond.
The women’s table sees Laetitia Roux (France) in the first position for the Individual Race and Sprint Race. In the Vertical Race Laura Orguè Vila (Spain) is firmly in the lead with 180 points, ahead of Victoria Kreuzer (Switzerland – 160 points) and Laetitia Roux (100 points).
As concerns the Individual Race, Roux is safely in the lead with 345 points, ahead of the Swiss Jennifer Fiechter (270 points) and the Spaniard Claudia Galicia Cotrina (240 points). In the Sprint Race table, Roux is first with 281 points, while Marta Garcia Farres and Marrianne Fatton are respectively second and third with 220 and 140 points.
A few days from the
ISMF Ski Mountaineering World Cup “Mondolè Ski Alp” final, the preparations at
the ski complex of Prato Nevoso, Frabosa and Artesina are in full swing;
indeed, for the second year in a row the resort will host the most important
event of the whole World Cup.Twenty-four hours after the end of the registration period, the continents that will be represented on the summits of the Mondolè Ski complex are as many as three: the presence of the Chinese national team will represent
Besides the chairlift, the finish line area will be opened to technical vehicles and pedestrians after clearing the snow from the road leading to the “Baita delle Stelle” mountain lodge.
On Saturday 19 at
On Sunday 20 March the even will close with the Sprint race taking place against the breath-taking backdrop of Conca di Prato Nevoso. Three pure-adrenaline events in an easily accessible setting – indeed the track is located close to the ski-lift facilities of the Mondolè Ski complex.
As regards the speciality World Cup titles, Kilian Jornet Burgada (
As far as the Sprint Race goes, the leader is the Italian specialist Robert Antonioli with 280 points; behind him are Anton Palzer and Iwan Arnond.
The women’s table sees Laetitia Roux (France) in the first position for the Individual Race and Sprint Race. In the Vertical Race Laura Orguè Vila (Spain) is firmly in the lead with 180 points, ahead of Victoria Kreuzer (Switzerland – 160 points) and Laetitia Roux (100 points).
As concerns the Individual Race, Roux is safely in the lead with 345 points, ahead of the Swiss Jennifer Fiechter (270 points) and the Spaniard Claudia Galicia Cotrina (240 points). In the Sprint Race table, Roux is first with 281 points, while Marta Garcia Farres and Marrianne Fatton are respectively second and third with 220 and 140 points.